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Golden Retrievers

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The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds because it has a friendly, tolerant attitude that makes them fabulous family pets, & their intelligence makes them highly capable working dogs.

  • shed profusely, especially in the spring and fall

  • family dogs; need to live indoors with their human "pack," / shouldn't spend hours alone in the backyard.

  • active

  • need 40-60 minutes of hard exercise daily!

  • thrive on obedience training, agility classes, other canine activities

  • gentle & trustworthy with kids

  • boisterous, large dogs that can accidentally knock over a small child

  • love to eat

  • become overweight if overfed

    • Limit treats

    • measure out daily kibble

    • feed regular meals rather than leaving food out all the time

Whiskey and Willow will be having puppies! Estimated birth date Jan. 9th;

estimated date to go home Feb 28.

Contact us for info or to put your deposit to hold your spot.

We expect to see dark puppies from these two.

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